To add or update salary of an employee, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Hoshi HRMS Admin portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to > Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles.
Search for the desired employee > Click on Setting icon of the employee Tab > View > Scroll down to Payroll Details section > Add Pay Structure / Edit by Clicking edit (pen icon) option on left side of the already updated structure.
Out of the two options: 1. Calculate Payroll based on CTC - 2. Calculate CTC based on Payroll Component, select the option desired.
For option 1. In the CTC text box, add Monthly CTC for the New Joinee or update revised CTC for existing employee. Based on the percentage allotted for the various components, the CTC is distributed across the components.
Choose the effective date and the payout month.
For option 2. All the components are supposed to be manually updated except ESIC/PF/PT.
Click Save. The salary is updated for the selected employee.
To upload this information in bulk, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Admin portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Mass Salary Structure Upload > Choose File > Upload.
In case you require a sample excel format, in the same window Select Payroll Slab > Download Sample File.
Note: Click the Download a sample file link to download a sample excel file. The file that you upload, must have data in the same format and order as mentioned in the sample file.
Refer the downloaded sample file to create the Excel file that you want to upload.
Click on Upload File and select the appropriate Excel file from your directory. The uploaded file appears in adjacent Tab on the same screen named – Uploaded salary component Log. If you want to change the Structure again follow the same steps with an updated sheet.
The salary information of employees are successfully updated.
To view the Payslips, you have to navigate to Quick Links > Payslips > Select an employee > Select Month > View. The Payslips are displayed under the Payslip tab. You can further filter employees using the available options and drop downs. In addition to this, you can Generate Multiple Payslips for a Particular employee by clicking on the Text box provided under Multiple payslip select option and entering months respectively > Generate.
In a scenario when you want to go ahead and process the salary but hold the salary payout, the Hold Salary Payout feature comes handy in the same excel screen (Process Payroll). In such situations, the salary for the chosen employee can be held and details of the employee will not appear on the bank transfer statement involving the salary payment. However, statutory deductions, such as PF and PT remain unaffected.
Salary Holding can be done during a notice period of an employee or for an employee who does not have bank account details.
Holding the salary payment for an employee comes as an advance option. You need select either of the options provided in the payment status drop down menu (Hold/Paid/Not to be paid) towards the left hand side of the payroll process sheet, to hold the salary payment for an employee.
Before processing payroll the attendance data, leave data and financial structure of all the employees should be updated.
Log on to the Admin portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Process Payroll
Click the suitable option (Attendance/Active Users) > Payroll Cycle > Month > Company > Click on remove pagination if you want to view all employees in one screen. Please note that the Generate payroll on, Payroll cycle & Month fields are the mandate rest could be utilized as filters.
Click Submit. An excel sheet for that particular month appears on the screen.
Select all the records and click on Save, this will freeze the payroll for that particular month and payslip will be automatically generated.
In case of any updates or discrepancy which is to be updated you can recalculate the payroll by selecting that particular employee and hitting Recalculate option. And follow step 5 for processing.
Once the fields are freeze the bank sheet can be downloaded from the option provided on right side of the screen either in text or Excel format.
Once the sheet has been downloaded the same could be uploaded on the bank’s site for payout.
This is supposed to be done before processing payroll, following fields could be updated as per requirements:
Leave Salary |
Incentives |
Adjustment |
Gratuity |
Meal Deduction |
Loan |
Sal. Deduction |
This is supposed to be done before processing payroll, following fields could be updated as per requirements:
Date [YYYY-MM-DD] |
Check in [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] |
Check out [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] |
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Mass salary Adjustment
Click Browse > Select Sheet from database > Upload
Note: Click on Download a sample file link to download a sample excel file. This file must have data in the same format and order as mentioned in the sample file.
Click Upload. Once done this sheet will be updated in the payroll sheet directly and the payroll could be processed.
If attendance is not getting captured through biometrics, check the given points:
Employee code should be the same in the biometric machine and Hoshi HRMS.
The system, where the biometric machine is installed, should not be shutdown.
The internet should be working, and the computer should be in a network.
Directory, where the attendance data is stored, should not be password protected.
The Biometric machine's login password should be the same.
The task scheduler should not be stopped or removed.
ESSL software should be able to read data from the biometric machine.
Do not update or reinstall Microsoft Access, if updated, then reinstall Microsoft Access 2010 database engine.
In case of a network failure or power failure, check the task scheduler.
The biometric machine installed should not be edited or removed.
If all the above points are checked and the issue is not yet resolved, then escalate it to Hoshi HRMS support.
If the employee logs in but forgets to logout then, the system makes the work hour count to 00:00, and status reflects as short working hours.
Follow the steps to replace a holiday or week off with a working day:
Click on Manage Employee Data.
Select Extra Working and click Add new extra working.
Select the date that would be a workday.
Select Attendance Status as “Attendance required with No Pay.
Select Replacement of existing day.
Enter the date and submit.
You will need to click on Generate OTP option provided on the login screen >Enter the OTP received on your email address>Verify>Enter New password in the prompted area and login.
If you do not have access to a computer you can continue to apply leave/work hours, Check your Calendar through logging into Hoshi HRMS App.
Please check all the questions here first. If you still have a question or just wish to offer some feedback or an idea, please contact the HR Helpdesk via email (
Your data is linked to your login only. This is dependent on you being the only person who knows your password information.
No. Once you have left the employment you will no longer have access to Employee Self-Service.
Your name and date of birth are key items of data which can only be amended with relevant supporting documentation. Should you need to change these details, please refer to the HRD for further guidance.
The current version of the Hoshi HRMS mobile application comes with the following features:
Salary Slip
Attendance Summary
Leave Dashboard
Employee Profile
Approve Leave/Work hours (for reporting managers only)
Roles & responsibilities
Attendance report (only HR/HR admin)
Yes, employees can mark their attendance using the mobile application if they have been provided with App checkin/out access.
If you are using an Android device, you can download the latest version of the Hoshi HRMS mobile application from Google Play store. Whereas, if you are using an iOS device you can download the same from iTunes.
No. Hoshi HRMS mobile application is absolutely free for all. You just need to download the mobile application and enjoy using the employee self service.
By default, the Dashboard of the Hoshi HRMS, displays an option in quick links about the mobile application along with a link to download it. We expect employees to see this and then proceed to download and install the app.
No. The mobile application is for employee and manager self service only. You cannot perform any HR related tasks using the mobile application.
Automatic upgrades are pushed to your device.
Yes, you can use the mobile application on any android device.
Yes, you can also use the mobile application on any iOS device.
No. Once an employee is marked as Inactive, the employee can no longer access the account. The same behaviour is applicable, when an employee logs on to the web application.
To apply leave/work hour from the Mobile App, perform following steps:
Log on to the Mobile App using Authentication Code: 638752 &your login credentials.
Click the Leave Tab and then selectPrivilege/Casual/Sick/Comp-off from the menu that appears. Click on Application, the Apply page appears with various tabs.
Tick on Checkboxes for Half days if any.In the From Date field, select the appropriate date from the calendar that appears.
In the To Date field, select the appropriate date from the calendar that appears. tick on Checkboxes for Half days if any.
In the LeaveDescription field, type the eligible Comment.
Attach a relevant file, if any.
Click Apply to submit your leave application.
The summary field on top of the page displays the total number of leave remaining in your leave account.
For Work hour requests click on Calendar tab> Click on Work hour.
Update your correct Checkin / Checkout Timings.
Select an option from the drop down menu (Reason)
Select the day type as Full/Half Day.
In the Comment field, type the eligible Comment and Hit Request.
You can apply work hour for a particular Date range by ticking the Date range option provided on the top of the tab.
The system sends an email notification to the approver and to the HRD.
In order to roll back an approved leave application, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Employee Self Service portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Leave Dashboard under Quick Links>menu and then select Employee name from the menu that appears.
Click on that particular Leave type> Complete History > Click on the Delete icon provided on the top right corner of that particular approved leave.
Yes. Employeesare allowed to apply leave for future dates in that particular Financial Year by following same procedure of leave application.
Yes, you can configure two-level approval for leave. The following steps guide to do so:
Click Manage Employee Data and then click Settings link appearing at the bottom of the menu.
Navigate to Configuration > Workflow Settings. Search and Click on the particular workflow which is to be modified.
Click Edit option towards right screen> Click on Workflow.
Click on Plus sign to add next level Reporting Officer.
Click Update. Two-level approval is configured for all the leave types.
To view the current status of an employee's leave application, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Employee portal using your login credentials.
Click the Quick Links menu and then select Approve Leave/Hour from the menu that appears.
The leave application of employees that are yet to be reviewed, are displayed under the tab. Click on (Tick) Icon to Approve or (Cross) Icon to Reject. You can click on the Calendar Icon to check the leave balance of that particular employee.
Click the Leave Log tab to view the leave applications that are already reviewed.
This option allows you to create mail triggers in the form of notifications, for each stage of leave workflow. Perform the following steps:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
In order to create a location wise holiday list, few configurations have to be performed. The following steps, guide you to perform the configuration:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data> Settings> Master > Holiday Options.TheHolidaysettings page appears.
Click on the Holiday list to be mapped, on the right-hand side click on Map To Shift-Location.Choose the appropriate Shift and Location from the drop-down lists.
Click Submit. Location wise holiday list is set for you.
Compensatory off is applicable for employees those who work on holidays/weekends.
In order to utilize an employee is supposed to first request the same to be added in his/her leave account he/she has worked for an extra day.
Log on to the Employee portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Quick Links > Leave Dashboard > click on comp off option > click on Credit Request > Fill up the form (Request units – No. of Days worked extra) > Select the date from the calendar > update credit reason and Hit Request.
This is the period against which employee is to be paid. Usually, calendar month is considered as payroll cycle. However, for convenience of collection of payroll inputs, computation, and payout, organizations sometimes define payroll cycle differently.
1 Jan 2013-31 Jan 2013,
26 Dec 2012- 25 Jan 2013,
15 Dec 2012-14 Jan 2013 are examples.
In all these cycles, payroll processed is termed as Jan 2013 Payroll.
To reject the revised salary of an employee, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Click on Settings icon on the right side of the employee tab > View > Scroll down to Payroll Detail.
Click on the Delete Icon to the extreme left of the Pay structure.
A message appears informing you that the particular revised salary is Deleted.
Perform the following steps to release or lock the IT Declaration for an employee:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Settings > Tax>Tax Settings>DeclarationSettings>Add More.
Choose Financial Year >Select Start as well as end Date from the Calendar for Declaration as well as proof submission.
Under the Extend Declaration option there’s a functionality of extending the date for particular users.
You can also set date location wise using the location filter provided.
To view the IT Declarations submitted by the employees, perform the following steps:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Quick Links > Approve Tax Declaration.
Choose the financial year.
You can either choose all employees or a particular employee through the filters. A page appears showing the list of employees who have submitted the form.
Click on View form on the extreme right of the Employee name in the list.
Final Settlement for an employee, involves a series of steps. This process starts with approval of leave/Notice period calculations and proceeds till generating Payslip. The following steps helps you to execute the process:
Log on to the Admin portal using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > FnF > Click on (Tick) Icon for the particular employee > The Final Settlement page appears.
Update the Actual Last working Day field. Notice period gets calculated. Update Waive off field if required.
Check / Update Pending Loan / Gratuity /Leave Encashment. The amount gets calculated automatically.
Update FnF comment. Click Approve.
The Settlement page appears displaying a summary of the final settlement process. You can then generate a letter, view the salary information and view the settlement details from this page.
To map the PT slabs for the newly updated locations in the system, perform the following steps:
Click on Manage Employee Data > Settings > Payroll > Payroll Component > Click Deduction > Add Group by clicking on (+ Group) icon > Fill in the details like Name, Round format, Group Function and update. This creates a new group wherin you can update Calculations for different States.
Now Click on PT Group as updated in the earlier step then towards the right side you will find an icon (+Add Component). Click and update the details required as follows.
Component name > Type (Value) > Enter Amount.
Click on Condition Setting > Select Total Gross Earned as Condition on > Select greater than sign as operator > and add Value whichever is defined as the Max. Amount for PT calculation by that particular state. Also select the months applicable for this deduction. Gender can also be selected by the option provided along.
You can also Filter the deduction based on Employment setting viz. Grade/Department/Location.
Click Update. The PT state for the newly updated location is updated.
Login to ? go to Manage Employee Data ? Select the particular Employee name ? Update the UAN Number in the Statutory Details tab and save.
Once the Employee Payroll structure is updated the PF automatically gets calculated on the Basis of calculations in the system.
Login to ? go to Reports ? Select the ‘PF and ESIC Extraction’ ? Extract the particular months ECR report by selecting the month and year. This screen can also be used in case of generating New UAN nos. by just downloading the required ECR file in the Text format then replacing (;) symbol by (#~#) & Saving then uploading the same on UAN employer portal.
The above procedure will work only when the Payroll for that particular month is processed.
Once this is done, the employee will now be tagged as being part of your organization and remittances done every month will be credited to his account.
PF Monthly report: This is a report that needs to be generated every month and it contains the details of Employee PF, Employer PF and Basic for the employee. Based the numbers appearing in this report, the company needs to make payments to the government every month.
The reporting Officer configured in the profile of the Employee gets a notification for confirming the particular Employee before 15 days of the effective confirmation date. Once the email is received the reporting Officer will have to follow following procedure in order to complete the confirmation of an employee:
Navigate to Quick Links > Confirmation and search on Action button towards the right side of the employee Name so as to fill up the form.
Confirm / Extend will be the two options displayed on the screen as both have different forms to be filled. Employees general details will also be displayed.
Click Confirm / Extend > Fill up the form and Submit.
This form will now be forwarded to further hierarchy if set or will be posted to the HRD for generation of Confirmation/Extension Letters.
This option under Reports Section enables you to generate a report. You can create ad-hoc and user-defined reports. It gives you the ability to pull out any data stored in the application. This page lists all the reports that you have built and saved in the past.
Click Reports > Report Engine.
Click +Create Report. The Create Custom Report page appears.
Type Report Name > in the report type section, choose the Pivot/Chart type option which is appropriate for your report > select Report based on option required.
Click Create.
From the Left side of the screen, drag the Output Fields to the Columns section.
Click Generate Pivot/Chart.
In the Filter Criteria section, set the criteria to filter out the report. You can follow the same step no. 05 as mentioned above.
Select by tick boxing a particular report and Click Export to download as a spreadsheet.
Click Pen Icon towards right of the report name to edit and regenerate report.
You can update your company logo by performing the following steps:
It’s safe as the details are received only by the HR/Admin and the process is system to system.
The employee can upload documents like address proof, academic certificates, previous salary slip or relieving letter and so on.
The documents can be attached in the form of pdf and jpeg. The file size can be 1 MB each and multiple files can be attached.
The HR/Admin receives an email notification, once the details are submitted.
Once the Employee is added as a user by HRD on the date of Joining the documents immediately gets mapped to his/her documents section which appears towards the bottom left of the page.
Go to Quick Links > MRF Request > View details of a particular Position and scroll down > Add Candidate > Fill in the details and save.
For an already added candidate once view details option is clicked the Employee Onboarding page appears with a list of employee.
Click on the request documents adjacent to the employee's name.
Yes, the Documentation can be re – initiated by following the same steps as for Documentation and just changing the expiry date and resending the notification.
Tax declaration and document updation should be done by employees only. HR's cannot update the details on behalf of employees. They can only view the details and approve them.
An event does not float after declaring the tax date. A new event needs to be created by HR to inform employees that the tax declaration will be open from this date.
To set a Tax Declaration and Proof Submission date, follow these steps:
Go to Manage Employee Data.
Click on settings, then Tax and Tax Settings.
Go to Declaration settings.
Select the Financial Year.
Select the Tax Declaration and Proof submission date.
To create Events follow these steps:
Go to Manage Employee Data.
Click on Settings, then Master.
Click on Events and then Add Event Details.
To check the list of employees participated in an event, follow these steps:
Go to Manage Employee Data.
Click on Settings, then Master.
Click on Events.
Select the Event name.
Click on the Event Participant List link for the extraction of the list.
All the existing Designation will be displayed in the drop-down list, to add a new designation follow these steps:
Go to Manage Employee Data.
Click on Settings, then Master.
Click on Designation.
Add new designation.
To upload an updated version of the policy, follow these steps:
Go to Manage Employee Data Settings.
Click on Master, then Policy.
Select the Policy.
Upload the Policy PDF and mention the version notes
Click on user acceptance if the user needs to accept the updated policy.
These options are to list the employee for whom the payroll needs to be processed.
a) Active Users: It will list the name of users who are currently active in the system.
b) Attendance: This option will list users who were present for at least one day in the portal, irrespective of whether the user is Active or Inactive.
Click on Manage Employee Data, then Review form Screen.
Click on Form Type, then Financial Year, and Department.
Click on Pending Reviews, then click on the Review Form.
Review the selected form, then click Save and Submit.
Click on Manage Employee Data, then Review form Settings.
Click on Add New Review Form Settings.
Select Review Form.
Click Start and End Date, then click Review Start date and Review End Date.
Select Periodicity and Financial Year.
Select Filter and then submit.
The form will be floated in the employee's dashboard
Click on Manage Employee Data, then on Review form Master.
Click on +Forms, then enter Form Name, followed by Form Type>Consider Score Type(You can either select Avg of all approval or Final Approval).
Select Form.
Click on Save.
Click on Manage Employee Data, then on Review form Master.
Select Form.
Click on +Add Group, then Enter Group Name, Order, and select Sum.
Click on Save.
Click on New Field .
Enter the Review Question.
Select Field Type, followed by Sum, and then Order
Click on Save.
Note: You can select the necessary options for Self Editable, Reviewer Editable, Is Mandatory, and Remark.
Here are the steps to add Holidays in the Holiday List:
Click on Manage Employee Data.
Go to Settings, then Holiday.
Click on the Holiday Group, then select Year and add Holiday.
Click on Add at the bottom.
Holidays will be added in the Holiday group
Note: You can also select the date range by clicking on Add Date Range.
Here are the steps to add roles and responsibilities for all employees:
Click on Manage Employee Data.
Under Settings, click Roles and Responsibility.
Select Company, followed by Department, and then Designation.
Mention the roles and responsibilities in brief in the Responsibilities text area.
The current version of Mobile application comes with the following features:
Calendar |
Roles |
Leave application |
work hour request |
payslip |
policy |
Employee profile |
Birthdays |
Event |
Reporting Manager:
Calendar / Employee Calendar |
Roles |
Leave application |
work hour request |
payslip |
policy |
Employee profile |
Birthdays |
Event |
Approve Leave / work hour |
Yes, employees can mark their attendance using the mobile application by clicking on Manual check-in option provided.
If you are using an Android device, you can download the latest version of the mobile application from Google Play Store (Hoshi HRMS).
If you are using an iOS device, you can download the mobile application from Appstore.
No, Mobile application is Complimentary for all Clients with basic features mentioned above. You just need to download the mobile application and enjoy using it.
To further promote the mobile application, you can follow one of these two suggestions:
If you are using the Events feature of Hoshi HRMS, then you can post the same suggesting employees to use the mobile application.
If you are not using the Events feature, then navigate to Manage Employee Data > Group Email Notification option.
No, the mobile application is for employees and managers only. You cannot perform any Admin-related tasks using the mobile application.
No, as the mobile application is synchronized with the web application, most of the features enabled for the employee portal over the Web are also enabled in the mobile application.
Upgrades are automatically pushed to your device as and when they are ready to be launched.
You have the flexibility to enter comprehensive information about a new employee as soon as the person joins. You can even add the few details first and then update remaining details later. Follow the steps below to add an employee:
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Add User.
Type appropriate information about the employee. Note: You may enter only required or basic information and revisit the sections later. The star marked fields are mandate.
You can also add multiple users at one time. Download the sample file by clicking on Create multiple user option. Fill up the details is the excel sheet and upload.
This is a mandate field to be filled while adding a new user.
To reassign a Manager to an already active employee, perform the following steps:
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Click on setting icon on users profile > Scroll down to Work Details and click on the edit Icon > update reporting Officer.
Other details shown in the tab could also be updated in the same way.
Note: You can mass update following fields in the manage user screen by clicking on Mass Update.
Company |
Location |
Department |
Shift |
Grade |
Employment Type |
Reporting Officer |
Designation |
Holiday Group |
Status |
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Click on setting icon on users profile > Scroll down to Statutory Details and click on the edit Icon > update.
Other details shown in the tab could also be updated in the same way.
Perform the following steps to update resignation or separation details of an employee:
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Click on setting icon on users profile > Scroll down to Work Details and click on the edit Icon > update Employee Status > Update Date of Resignation/Notice/Last working day, etc.
Other details shown in the tab could also be updated in the same way.
To enable or disable the PF or ESI eligibility of an employee, The Payroll Slab needs to be updated while updating statutory details.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Manage Profiles > Click on setting icon on users profile > Scroll down to Statutory Details and click on the edit Icon > update payroll slabs.
Navigate to Quick Links > Calendar > Select employee name, year & month from the drop down menu
To assign new shifts into the system, perform the following steps:
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Settings > Shift > Add Shift Information.
Type the shift name in the Shift text box.
Select the Periodicity (Monthly/Daily/Weekly). Mark the shift if it requires to be Flexible / Work from home.
Define the In time along with Buffer if applicable. Also define the Total Work hours so that the out time is automatically derived. Also update the Break time.
Mark weekdays (tick on the checkbox provided below days name) . Mark working patterns if there’s some deviation in the shift timings for weekends.
Define the minimum hours for half and full day.
Click Add. A message is displayed informing that the shift is created.
Yes, as an HR/Admin, you can modify the day type and the assigned shift of an employee. To do so, perform the following steps:
Navigate to Reports > Attendance report > select particular month/date by clicking on available filters.
Search for an employee and click on checkbox of a particular day in the table view.
Select Full/Half/No pay from the drop down menu towards the extreme right; also update the required comment and Submit.
Note: Apart from the Attendance, you can also modify / update the shift of an employee by clicking on update work details option provided in the Manage profiles Section.
Current day's attendance status of an employee is available under the reports section. To navigate, click Reports > Attendance report > Update filters provided.
This feature helps you to quickly grant leave to one or more employees. Perform following steps to grant leave:
Log on to the Admin portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Quick Links > Leave Dashboard > Select Employee Name > Click on Allocate Leave > Grant Missed/Advance/Manual Leave.
The following steps, guide you to apply leave on behalf of an employee: Log on to the Admin portal by using your login credentials. Navigate to Quick Links > Leave Dashboard > Employee Name. The Employee Leave page appears. The Available leave of Employee is displayed > select the type of leave you want to apply > Click on Application. In the Date field, choose the appropriate date / date range from the calendar that appears. Then, update its appropriate Description. You can select anyone option to describe the leave as Full Day / First Half / Second Half. Click Apply to submit the leave application. The system sends an email notification to the approver.
Both HR/Admin and Manager can reject a leave application of an employee.
To reject a leave application, perform following steps:
Log on to the portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Quick Links > Approve Leave/work hour > Leave. The Leave page appears displaying the leave applications by employees.
Type appropriate remarks in the Comment box if required.
Click Reject (x). An email is sent to the employee about the rejected leave application.
To extract the Leave Balance report of an employee, perform following steps:
Log on to the portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Leave Entitlement. The page displaying leave for all the employees appears yearly.
Click on Excel icon displayed at the left side of the year filter.
The leave report is downloaded in Excel format.
To set holidays location-wise, the same needs to be mapped in the Settings option as follows:
Log on to the Admin portal by using your login credentials.
Navigate to Manage Employee Data > Settings > Master > Holidays. The Holiday Settings page appears.
In the Configuration section, Click Map to Shift location.
Choose the appropriate Holiday lists to be mapped and apply the filters of Shift and Location available.
Click Submit. Location wise holiday list is set for you.
Note: Holiday list can be created for designation, department and grade also.
Here are the steps to add Compensatory Leave:
Click on Compensatory Leave.
Then click on Credit Request.
Select Request units, Date of credit, and Reason for credit.
And then click on Request.
Your on-request Compensatory Leave will be applied.
Note: The leave will be credited once the leave is approved by the reporting officer.
A One Time password has been sent to your registred email.
Please enter the OTP below to verify your email address. if you can not see the email in your inbox, make sure to check your SPAM folder.
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